Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thought of the Week

Those 3 little words we all hold so dear..... Reduce, Reuse, Recycle..... or do we hold them dear?

Everyone these days is so into recycling, which is fabulous! But what about those other two? Reduce and Reuse do come before Recycle- is there a reason for this or is it coincidence? Well believe it or not its in that order for a reason! Reduce: meaning try to reduce on.. shopping, garbage disposal, and just generally reduce your consumption! Reuse: try to reuse those things you don't want to throw out! Can you use the other side of that piece of paper? Can you use those scraps in an art project? Think creatively! But if you actually can't Reduce or Reuse then Recycle!
The next time you go shopping or are about to throw something out.... think about those 3 R's and it might help you save the planet!

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