Green Tips

 - Shopping at thrift stores can save you a lot of money, plus it means you don't have to go to a hectic mall and push through people to get an outfit everyone else is wearing. Thrift stores have a lot of cool vintage clothes for great prices! you just have to look carefully and be patient!

- Whenever you go shopping don't forget to bring a reusable bag with you! Not only is plastic a waste but harmful chemicals are produced while making it!

- Most people love makeup, but most makeup is bad for you and the environment! next time you go to buy your mascara look for an eco friendly brand that's good for everyone!

- Aren't those sweet smelling shampoos great? well maybe not so great some of them are tested on animals, and they are made from toxic chemicals! now who wants that in their hair??  try looking for some that are more eco friendly!

- Hemp is Hip! and it's becoming extremely popular! if you want to go shopping but want something more eco friendly then try hemp or organic cotton!!

- Reduce Reuse Recycle! and it is in that order for a reason! first reduce your consumption, then reuse what you cant reduce. And if those two don't work out then recycle!

- How do you get to the mall or the grocery store? Well most people would answer "in a car"! next time try riding your skate board, biking or taking the bus!

- Try not to go food shopping on an empty stomach you will end up buying things you don't need! 

- If you are thinking of getting a new computer. Consider buying a laptop. Laptops use 50% of the energy used by a regular PC when plugged in. And 1% when running on batteries.

- If your copier, printer, or fax machine have a sleep mode, use it! It will automatically wake up when you want to use it!

- Always make 2-sided copies!

- Use your paper twice by writing notes on the blank side of a used piece of paper!

- Turn off lights in rooms that are unoccupie.

- Instead of sending letters, send an email- it saves a lot of paper.

- Recycle your empty printer, copier, and fax cartridges.

- Replace any older toilets with a low flush model that saves gallons of water per flush. Or you can retrofit your toilet with a water saving device!

- Fix any leaks you may have- leaks waste a ton of water!

- Report leaks in public places to the management.

- Try to take shorter showers! And turn the water off when you shave or when you shampoo!

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